Winery Dingac
Winery Dingac logo Producer:
Vinarija Dingac

Vinarija Dingac

The Dingač cooperative and winery was established in 1902. The owners consist of 330 cooperative members sharing 293 hectares of vineyards. The Dingač area accounts for 42.65 hectares and the Postup area 28.59.

The Dingač and the Postup wine employ strict standards of soil management, grape cultivation and wine aging, although subtle changes exist due to a slightly different topography and micro-climate.
The native grape of both regions, Plavac Mali, is referred to by locals as “the blood of the soil” due to its deep red colour and the rich soil of the same colour that it flourishes in.
Both vineyards enjoy the positive effects of what’s referred to as triple insolation, a process where sunlight combines with reflected sunlight from the surrounding rocks and sea. This process makes the Plavac Mali grape a truly unique fruit, renowned for its high sugar content.

Potomje 3, 20244 Potomje,
